Just a girl with an obsession...
Not specific to one genre, I'll read YA, Romance, Mystery, Fantasy, etc. I also love Twilight fanfic!
Bella is the new girl, moving in with her dad Charlie next door to the Cullens. She finds herself instantly welcomed by siblings Alice and Emmett, and fast friends with their respective others, Jasper and Rosalie. She’s yet to meet the other Cullen sibling, Edward. He’s hardly ever home, preferring to spend his time with the girls who flock to him.
When Bella does finally meet the illusive Edward, she isn’t impressed. He may be beautiful, but he’s also arrogant. Will they ever become friends?
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. There were some similarities to other stories I have read, to the point that I wondered at first if I had read it before. It’s just the classic high school storyline- Bella meets asshole Edward; they hate each other, but eventually ends with an HEA. Arrogant but sweet inside Edward always wins me over though (doesn’t every Edward?). I think VampiresHaveLaws grew more confident in her writing as the story progresses. It was fine in the beginning, but I noticed it improved each chapter. It was hard to put this one down, causing me to stay up way too late. I am glad to recommend, and am excited to start another of her stories, Cracks in the Pavement.