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Bookish Brina

 Just a girl with an obsession...

 Not specific to one genre, I'll read YA, Romance, Mystery, Fantasy, etc.  I also love Twilight fanfic!

The Curse Breakers by Denise Grover Swank

The Curse Breakers - Denise Grover Swank

Book two is another success for The Curse Keeper series! 


Ellie’s world has changed dramatically since she discovered that the curse she has heard about her entire life is real.   She finds herself facing evil spirits, demons, even gods as she learns to navigate this new territory.  With the help of Dr. David Preston, a college professor and expert of local Native American history, she begins the journey to do whatever she can to save those she loves.


I loved this book, and just like the first could not put it down.  It consumed my entire weekend.  I love the supernatural world that Denise Grover Swank has created; it is completely unique and intriguing.  I can’t wait to continue the journey!